Watermedia on Arches archival Paper. Reproduction available. Click on painting for more information.
My intention is to pack this site with articles related to creativity. Postings offer topics for discussion, profiles of creative ‘souls’, inspiring quotes, quizzes, polls, questionnaires, challenges, and creative exercises, and links to support systems and lists of resources. My original artwork or Magical MousePainting™ drawings illustrate each posting.
In the bigger picture, for personal or professional use, this site is a great resource and conversational stimulant suited for corporations, organizations, classrooms, clubs and, even, family meetings. Serving a wide range of purposes – from individual self-improvement to group team-building – the articles and challenges are excellent tools for HR personnel, life coaches, therapists and educators. Section by section, topic by topic, each element interconnects with the others and can be used on its own, as well. Enjoy! - Nellie
Invaluable to people who are looking to tap into or expand their creative soul, it speaks to anyone of any age who is creative, on the verge of life change or who wants to connect with or re-ignite creative passion in any aspect of their lives.
• Suggest future topics.
• Recommend creative people and businesses to interview on Igniting Imagination talk radio show.
• Share your creative experiences and stories - and read others' online at Creativity Bites.
• Ask questions: they may be the source of future columns. (Questions and comments can focus on your own creative dilemma or cover creativity in general and the creative process itself.)
• Evaluate your level of creativity: vote in the poll - and find out how other people are voting.
• Recommend:
· A business operating in a creative environment that shows identifiable results
· ‘Ordinary’ people who are extraordinarily creative
· Some of today’s great creative thinkers and doers
· Representatives of innovative businesses and organizations that encourage or demonstrate aspects of creative thinking and doing.
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